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The GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) testing process for students in grades 3 – 5 begins each school year in September when parents of third graders receive GATE testing permission slips. Additionally, beginning in October, teachers look at students’ behaviors and work for evidence of gifted characteristics. For a list of these GATE characteristics, please visit the NMUSD GATE webpage.

ALL 3rd graders are eligible for GATE testing. Parents, if you signed a GATE testing permission slip on or around Back to School Night in September, your child is ready for testing. For a 4th or 5th grader to qualify for testing, their teacher or their parent/guardian must first recommend the student. See your child’s teacher to request testing.  For students who have taken the test once before, please note the following NMUSD requirements:

  • If tested prior to this year in NMUSD, they must have a GATE placement score that is at least in the 80th percentile.

  • A student may take the test up to two times. He/she may not take the test a 3rd time.

  • If tested, the student will take the same test type as in the prior year. There are two test possibilities; one is intended specifically for English learners.

The GATE test takes place after Winter Break. There is no special preparation required. Parents of students identified as Gifted and Talented receive notification before the school year ends. GATE students are placed with a GATE certified teacher during the following school year.  After the school year is under way, Kaiser’s GATE teachers host an informational meeting for parents. This year’s meeting will be announced soon.